The C Word.

April 12 2024 5 min read

I’d like to talk about the C-word today.

Every woman I know wants it but struggles to get it. Or at least has in their past.

I struggled with it. Sometimes still do.

That ol’ C-word. Confidence.

Without it, it can rob you of your true self-expression, your joy, your purpose.

That’s what we have to pay close attention to; the cost.

What is our lack of self-confidence costing us?

I could say that in general it impacts every area of our life when you take a good look but what about specifics?

Take the words of my client:

“My lack of confidence was something I struggled with all my life and tried to ignore it. But I saw it was costing me my income. I didn’t feel confident to call my clients because I just didn’t believe they would want to talk to me, or I had something of value. So my success in my business suffered and that made my confidence suffer more.”

Another client shared that the impact of her lack of belief in herself and her value cost her,

“My sense of joy in my life. I had so much to appreciate but I felt so low about my own worth I kept waiting for the shoe to drop. I kept looking for ways I didn’t deserve what I had or even wanted.”

My lack of self confidence cost me my acting career. At that time, in my 30’s, I listened more to my then-partner’s request for me to get a job that brought in consistent income, than my own hearts calling and I tucked that career away for a decade!

I’m sure as you read this you can think of a few ways your own struggles with self-confidence had a greater cost than a benefit.

When we lack confidence in our value, our worth, our gifts and strengths, we deny our LIGHT. We play smaller than we ever came here to be. We become misaligned from our purpose. We live scared, unable to imagine a future where those beautiful dreams we carry for ourselves, secretly tucked away inside our hearts, will ever come true.

The MISGUIDED BELIEF is that a lot of people think confidence is just a fake it kind of thing. Or a button you can just press and voilà, you are confident! Or that you can affirmation your way to it. Now don’t misread me here - affirmations are great but they can only take you so far.

Cultivating, nourishing and growing our self-confidence so much more than any of those misguided beliefs above, and besides who wants to fake anything anymore at our age?

The TRUTH, as far as I see it and have lived it myself, and witnessed it in my clients, is that moving from a lack of confidence to an EMBODIED and INTEGRATED knowing confidence and self-worth is a practice.

That’s the truth I live and teach.

The Living Practice of confidence.

How about you? What helps you grow your own confidence?

And don’t you dare tell me, “you fake it until you make it”! :)


If you’re ready to Up-Love yourself into a new level of Confidence, book a call with me and we’ll brainstorm some ideas for you.

Photo: Anastasia Chomlack


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