Protect Your Dreams

Sept 22, 2023 4 min read

A Public Service Announcement:

Stop sharing your goals and dreams with people who don’t believe in goals and dreams.

Let me paint a little picture, see if you can relate.

You have a dream.

You’re dreaming of a home, for example.  

  • A south facing backyard to grow your garden which by the way, you will cultivate from all the seeds you’ve been saving from all the tomatoes, cucumbers and squash you’ve been eating not to mention the odd pinch or two of seed pouches from one or two (or three) of your neighbours plants. Ah-hem.

  • You dream of patio evening dinner parties under twinkle lights; “Good morning” callouts to neighbours passing by, walking their kids to school while you sip your organic French roast brew with a teaspoon of collagen, a dab of cane sugar and some cocoa for minerals.

  • You see Saturday late afternoon G&T’s with friends on the porch after a day of gardening, laughter and stories and waves to neighbours across the street walking their dogs.

  • You see the evening light shine through your windows, cascading shadows across your gorgeous mid-century modern furniture as you listen to Ella on your SONOS while making homemade lasagna for someone special.

Your dream is so real you can taste it. Every sense is alive in you in this dream of yours; you’re barely touching the ground when you walk, you feel so…elevated. Excited. So, you just gotta share it. Right?

So, you tell a friend. Any friend.

They scoff and say,

“Good luck in this market. It’s impossible to find anything.”


What’s that sound?

Oh that? That’s the leak in your dream balloon that just got poked.

You’re talking to your mom about the vision board you created for said house and she says,

“How on earth are you going to afford that?”



You turn on the radio as you’re driving around the neighbourhood you want that house to be in and on comes a news report about-

‘the record-breaking prices of houses and the all-time low inventory of rental properties.’



Next thing you know you’re doubting your dream. Questioning if it’s even possible. Worse, you’re losing confidence in yourself – the dreamer of the dream.

Pretty hard to believe in our dreams with all the naysaying going around.

But it’s more than naysaying. It’s BELIEFS and everybody has them.

What most people forget is we get to choose what we believe. What we buy into. What we align ourselves with energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Your dreams are your babies.

They belong here in this world but if you keep looking to people who simply aren’t there with you, who cannot/will not believe in magic and possibilities and who live with near-sighted negativity – if you’re looking to them to cheer you and your dream on you’re going to be disappointed. Actually, it’s going to shake you.

What is fascinating is that we all do this. I sure have my share of leaking, dying balloons from too many pokes and prods, but no more. Well, I slip up but it’s rare.

We do this until we learn to respect and protect our dreams.

Those people and all that media factoid ‘proof’ of what is or isn’t possible, are not bad or wrong. It’s just one way of seeing the world and it’s just where they are.

So where are you? How are you seeing your world and your dreams?

If you have dreams, and you want that house and that yard and that trellis to grow your Moonflowers on, then you have to protect them. You have to direct yourself to only share these dreams with your YES people.

Your “hell yeah, get it girl” people.

I mean, if we didn’t dream, if we didn’t hold steadfast in what we cannot see in the here and now and let it come, then no dreams, no miracles, no manifestations would have happened thusfar.

Take a look at that evidence. The whole history of the world has plenty of proof to show you that dreams and goals do come true.

Focus there.

Even better, go to your journal and share the delicious details of your dream home/job/partner/vocation with yourself first.

Here’s a journal exercise to strengthen your connection and belief in whatever it is you’re dreaming about.


Five mornings (or evenings)

Five minutes.

Five senses.

Write about your dream for five mornings for a minimum of five minutes pulling in one or a few or all of your five senses. Write in the present tense as though that dream is real, here and now.

Eg: See the table in your backyard with the twinkle lights above and all the friends over for dinner. Hear the laughter and conversations. Smell the night air, or the wood fire pizza. Taste the cool sauvignon on your lips. Feel the touch of your partner beside you, their hand on your back. Get the idea?

Write as many details as possible about your dream and see and feel how strong and clear it becomes in you.


What’s that sound?

Oh that? That’s just the sound of the naysaying, fact-hungry, pessimistic poo-pooer’s hitting your impenetrable wall of belief.

Get it girl,


Photo by Ali Abdul Rahman

5:5:5: idea inspired by Laura Rubin of Allswellcreative.

September Session begins Monday Sept 25th

~ The Fall Journal Sessions for Women ~

Are you wanting to experience a deeply meaningful journal practice that you love showing up to?

Are you ready for support and encouragement from a community of other like-hearted and minded women

Would you like an enriching, inspiring morning practice that will carry you through these last months of 2023?

Join my community as I lead you through one of the most beautiful inner journey’s with yourself and others through journaling.

The Fall Sessions for Women

September, October, November 2023


Want to learn how to live as your authentic self? How to have more confidence and self-trust? Let’s talk!


How does your garden grow?


What We See.