How To Reconnect With Ourselves.

Sept 8, 2023 3 min read

‘The biggest stress of all is trying to be who you’re not.’

Dr. Gabor Maté

I want to talk with you about journaling, just for a few moments.

A friend sent me this video of Dr. Gabor Mate and as I watched, I realized he had distilled down why it is I am so passionate about journaling.

Journaling can help us remember who we really are.

And in that, we can begin to let go of trying to be who we aren’t.

‘Because we already are authentic. We can’t not be authentic. You’re just not in touch with it. It’s who we are. We just forget.’

Boom. We just forget.

Now, I can talk about the benefits of journaling from all the juicy angles but telling someone about why something is so good is never as impactful as that person having the experience themselves.

I could geek out on how science is now documenting the astounding benefits to our neuropathways and nervous systems, hormones…ahhhh I’m telling you I can go on and on about this.

But what Gabor’s video did was cut right to the heart of the issue many of us have or are grappling with to some degree.

Disconnection from our authentic selves. Our true selves.

We’re constantly being tugged at to disconnect from ourselves for others demands, work deadlines, devices as distraction, addictions, habits of self-judgement, being small, unreasonable expectations, stress…etc.

Often, we may not even realize we’re disconnecting from ourselves because for the most part, it’s a habit.

Which brings me back to journaling.

In my experience and as I hear from others, it is also their experience, journaling IS a way back to reconnection with ourselves. To seeing our own truths and, our true selves.

That in itself, invites something spiritual, something sacred to the practice, beyond simply writing down a few thoughts.

Further, Gabor says,

‘You’ve got to have compassionate curiosity for yourself. Only when compassion is present will we allow ourselves to see the truth. So if you want to see the truth, you’ve got to be compassionate with yourself. ’

Well, if there is one thing that opened me to compassion for myself, and others, while also igniting curiosity and new perspectives in me, it was and still is, journaling.

It helped me learn and practice something I never thought would be possible:

Loving and accepting myself.

Journaling is not the only practice available to us to reconnect with ourselves, but it’s up there at the top of the list. Myself, I do it along with meditation, yoga, breathing, and being in nature. I gotta kiss a tree at least once a week and don’t even get me started on what lake dipping brings alive in me.

And who says there’s only one way?

I think the tool or practice you choose is less important as what it opens you up to, within yourself. What it leads you to. What healing, what truths, what authentic connection becomes possible. 

If whatever you choose to practice is bringing you to a deeper connection with yourself, with compassion and curiosity, well, I say keep going.  

Have a listen to Gabor’s video and afterwards, ask yourself, ‘What are the ways I am reconnecting with myself, and could I go deeper?’

Whatever we choose, I like to imagine our authentic, truest selves are standing there inside us, arms wide open, ready to welcome us home.

If you’re curious about creating a journal practice as a way to reconnect more deeply with yourself, you might be interested in my Fall Journal Sessions offer for women. Come join us if it feels right for you.

And welcome home.


Photo by Sage Friedman

We’re getting closer to starting…

~ The Fall Journal Sessions for Women ~

Are you wanting to experience a deeply meaningful journal practice that you love showing up to?

Are you ready for support and encouragement from a community of other like-hearted and minded women

Would you like an enriching, inspiring morning practice that will carry you through these last months of 2023?

Join my community as I lead you through one of the most beautiful inner journey’s with yourself and others through journaling.

The Fall Sessions for Women

September, October, November 2023


Want to learn how to live as your authentic self? How to have more confidence and self-trust? Let’s talk!


What We See.


Leaning In.