How do we know it’s right?

August 25, 2023 4 min read

So many times, she almost gave up on her ideas, her dreams, her vision for herself and life.

She tried to ignore them, tuck them away.  

She didn’t have confidence that what she wanted to do, to be, to have, was okay to want.

That people would even want what she wanted to share.

Or that who she was, was enough.

She was terrified.

What if they reject her? Judge her?

What if she fails?

What if it’s too late for her?

What if she’s too old?

What if she can’t support herself?

And there was that other voice too.

The one that spoke of longings and creative ideas that she wanted to bring to the world.

The one that kept saying, ‘Go this way! Go this way!’

She tried harder to ignore it until that voice grew stronger and it inhabited her entire being, and she could no longer sit still in her smallness.

That voice of her truest self.

That voice of her spirit.

That voice who would no longer be silenced.

She is me. She is you, maybe, and many women we know who’ve been terrified to listen to the voice inside them that calls them, almost magnetically, toward…something.

The other day a client asked me,

‘How do you know that what you want to be doing with your life is what you’re supposed to be doing? How do you know it’s ‘right’?’

Such a vulnerable and relatable question. Who hasn’t asked this at some point in their life?

We talked and I shared some insight and it resonated for her, but I’ve been thinking about her question a lot.

About the deeper ask to this question.

Maybe what she, what we are asking is,

‘How do I trust my Self?’

For so many of us, that is the core longing.

That when that voice in us whispers, ‘you’re meant for more, Honey’, that we can trust that voice and not second guess or talk ourselves out of whatever that ‘more’ is by hyper focusing on fear thoughts and feeding the hungry stay-small-don’t-rock-the-boat voice.

And Goddess help us when others itch uncomfortably (and some will) when we do listen to that voice.

I’m not sure there is one answer to ‘How do I trust myself’ any more than there is one answer to ‘How do you know that what you want to do with your life is what you’re supposed to be doing?’

I think the answers are in the actual living with the questions and checking in with yourself. 

When you think of that thing you want –

For example, a tiny house to call your own little creative studio, what do you feel in your body?

A jolt of excitement? Do you feel yourself light up? Does your heart rate shift? Are you following tiny home Instagram accounts that make you giggle with happiness? When you imagine having that little studio, can you see the way you’ve decorated it? Are you smiling when you do?

Friends, these are our clues to our heart’s truths.

I just finished leading a 3-day How To Journal (and why it matters) workshop for women and let me tell you, I felt so much JOY – even to the point of weeping - from leading that workshop and interacting with these women. I knew I was doing what was deeply aligned with my truest Self.

But it’s taken me a long time to get past my own ‘what if’ sabotaging thoughts and live with the questions swirling in me even as I stepped into my courage and brought my offers to others.

  • How do you know when you're living as your truest Self?

  • How do you know when what you are sharing from within you with others - what gifts, what offerings, what 'right'?

  • How do you know you're doing and being what you’re truly here for?

You. Just. Know.

Even if you’re terrified…

You. Just. Know. 

You feel alive. At last.

You feel joy as though it was oxygen.

You feel full of peace and endless gratitude.

Your body vibrates and trembles.

Your heart opens.

You can breathe more deeply.

Your mind bursts with ideas.

You feel the ‘rightness’ in your whole being.

Your light beams.

You know by living it. Trying things on. Risking. Daring to lead yourself. Leaning in.

When have you experienced this in your life? This knowing in your whole being? Lean into that more, friends.

That is the truth in you that you can trust.

Take care out there this week,


Photo by @anastasiachomlack

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Leaning In.


A Turtle, A Country Road and an Unexpected Gift